Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Twin Peaks Episode 16

This episode of Twin Peaks brings an end (sort of) to the central storyline of the entire show: bringing the murderer of Laura Palmer to justice. And while the man who killed her is now dead, the person possessing that man is still out there, making the show's new mission clear.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 15

After the intense and tragic events of last episode, Episode 15 has a lot to live up to. And while it's not as exciting as the last one, it's definitely just as frightening and creepy. We're in an interesting situation now, where the audience knows who killed Laura, but those in the show do not. It makes for some very suspenseful and fascinating television.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 14

This might be my personal favorite Twin Peaks episode. It's not without its faults, but the second half makes up for practically anything that happens before it. And that's not to say what happens before everyone is at the roadhouse is not good television. It's quite good, and everything just feels more right than what was happening previously.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 13

Alright, that was much better. Not the greatest episode of Twin Peaks ever made, but an improvement nonetheless. It still is getting bogged down with story-lines that we don't care that much about, but things are dramatically more exciting here than before.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 12

Well, this was the weakest episode of Twin Peaks yet, but it wasn't without it's highlights. Most of the storylines that are played out here aren't really developed along very well, and this episode had some comedy bits that weren't too funny and some dramatic bits that felt off.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 11

The opening shot and scene of this episode really set it up to be something cool. The spiraling out from one of the ceiling tiles and into Leland's devastating confession was a nice touch. Unfortunately, it was mostly unable to keep the good stuff coming the entire time. What we did get were a few good scenes and quite a bit of more lighthearted stuff, some of which was just straight up filler.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 10

It's somewhat well known that Twin Peaks began to take a turn for the worst in it's second season, but we're not quite there yet. However, in this episode in particular, storylines are beginning to form that are less than the normal Twin Peaks standard. Their quirkiness just seems more forced and altogether less amusing and interesting.