Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Twin Peaks: Episode 4

I've touched upon this a bit in my last review, but Twin Peaks might have been a bad choice for my first television show to review. It doesn't follow the same structural rules that many TV shows do, it has a ton of characters all involved in their own plot-lines, and it's a pretty strange show. It makes grading an episode tough, mostly because all I have to compare it to is other Twin Peaks episodes, instead of all of television in general. The grades are my best interpretation of what I just wrote in the paragraphs above it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Twin Peaks: Episode 3

This episodes demands some answers. The previous one made the claim that Cooper knew who killed Laura Palmer. This is the fourth episode of the show, and we apparently are already going to find out who killed Laura Palmer. So? Who did? Oops, looks like HE FORGOT.

Twin Peaks: Episode 2

“Episode 2” is somewhat of a game-changer for Twin Peaks, but it also happens to be a big game-changer for my blog. After looking at the past reviews I've done (not many), I came to realize a few things, some of which I already knew but was just ignoring. They are as follows:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Twin Peaks: Episode 1

The second episode of Twin Peaks (confusingly titled “Episode 1”, the names of the episodes were created later so I'm sticking with the original style) picks up almost directly where the pilot left off. Twin Peaks is still dealing with the aftermath of the murder of Laura Palmer, and we get more information about the townsfolk, their relationships, and their connections with Laura.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Twin Peaks: Pilot

Ah, Twin Peaks. Definitely one of my favorite television shows of all time. Yet if I'm ever asked to describe to someone who has never seen it, it gets a little difficult. On one hand, I could just say that it's about the murder of a girl, Laura Palmer. But that would be selling it a bit short.

Twin Peaks

Starting today, I am going to be reviewing every episode of the cult television show Twin Peaks. There won't be any specific schedule, but I will try to be somewhat consistent, depending on how busy I am. This page will serve as a sort of home base, where you can access all of the reviews as they appear. Join me as I explore the town where everyone knows everyone and nothing is what it seems. Click read more for all of the episodes.