Sunday, January 22, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 10

It's somewhat well known that Twin Peaks began to take a turn for the worst in it's second season, but we're not quite there yet. However, in this episode in particular, storylines are beginning to form that are less than the normal Twin Peaks standard. Their quirkiness just seems more forced and altogether less amusing and interesting.

The first of these is the story of Lucy and the newly introduced Dick Tremayne, and it's the stronger of the two that I'm going to bring up here. Dick isn't the most interesting character, but his personality and mannerisms keep things from getting dull. Lucy reveals that she's pregnant to him, and that's about all we get for now.

The other plotline is the story of Nadine and her amnesia/super-strength. As extremely weird as that already is, Nadine was somewhat annoying to begin with, and for her to suddenly think she's a teenager again isn't going to win anyone over towards her character. The scene with Hank singing to her started out kind of sweet, but then just got uncomfortably strange.

But enough complaining, because their were quite a few great things going on in this episode as well. We get our first introduction to Harold Smith, who seems just a little off, but still extremely likeable. We do learn he seems to be holding on to a different form of Laura's diary however, but we don't get anymore information other than that.

Donna misinterprets something between James and Maddie, leading to all of them having emotional breakdowns, someone messes with Ronette, the One-Armed Man turns out to be the answer to one of the giant's riddles, and Albert gives an amazing speech to Sheriff Truman about pacifism. Seriously, that speech is one of my favorite parts of the show ever. Brilliant.

Audrey is till being held hostage at One-Eyed Jack's and is being drugged. We learn that Jacque Renault's brother wants revenge on Cooper and is going to use Audrey to get it. Meanwhile, Ben seems completely unconcerned with Audrey's absence.

And lastly and probably biggest plot-wise, Jacoby is hypnotized and reveals that Leland was the killer of Jacque Renault, and he's arrested in his home. All in all a quality episode with some weaker scenes and story-lines beginning to develop. That isn't to say that in the future Twin Peaks isn't able to deliver the goods, it's just that the goods are fewer and farther between.

Grade: B+

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