Monday, February 20, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 13

Alright, that was much better. Not the greatest episode of Twin Peaks ever made, but an improvement nonetheless. It still is getting bogged down with story-lines that we don't care that much about, but things are dramatically more exciting here than before.

We get resolution from the previous episode with Harold, Donna, and Maddie, who are rescued by James (and Donna still grabs for the diary! Come on!) We get some cheesy dialogue between James and Donna, and apparently Donna thinks that Harold could have killed Laura. I think that we as the viewers are mostly ruling out this possibility.

In the aftermath of Audrey's rescue, she's still pretty messed up. Ben Horne's plan didn't work out exactly as he had hoped, and every lie he tells just makes you hate him even more. Audrey's onto her father, and her eyes have been opened to the things he's involved with. Cooper also realizes that they were after him, and Audrey was bait. He starts to blame himself for Audrey's kidnapping, but as Sheriff Truman says, “Cooper, you think to much.”

We get an introduction to Gordon Cole (played by series creator David Lynch!) who is another great Twin Peaks character. He brings a letter addressed to Cooper, and it's a chess deal from Cooper's old partner Windom Earl. You get the feeling that were going to be hearing a lot about this man in the future.

We get some more stuff with Shelly, Bobby, and Leo, which walks a fine line between creepy and funny. Their plan is down the drain, and now they're stuck with vegetable Leo, who is still showing some signs of life. Nadine's still wacky (groan), and it turns out that the mystery Asian man is not Josie's cousin? I can only assume this. Anyway, she makes her deal with Ben and then takes off, much to the disappointment of Truman. Leland is still singing away, and Ben is making more deals with the mysterious Mr. Tojamura.

The episode ends on a very creepy note, as the One-Armed Man is denied his medicine and slips into his alter-ego known as Mike. We get some mysterious answers to who Bob is and what he does, and it's all every frightening and exciting at the same time. We learn that Bob is in the Great Northern, and with a cliffhanger like that, you have no choice but to keep tuning in.

Grade: B+

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