Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 12

Well, this was the weakest episode of Twin Peaks yet, but it wasn't without it's highlights. Most of the storylines that are played out here aren't really developed along very well, and this episode had some comedy bits that weren't too funny and some dramatic bits that felt off.

The part of the story that did work this time around was Cooper's rescue of Audrey. The episode begins with him finding the letter she left for him a while ago, and while it takes a bit of slow exposition to get there, we eventually see Harry and Cooper infiltrating One Eyed Jack's together. It's cool to see them work as a team, and to see Cooper doing some fighting this time around (he punched a woman!) And the final rescue by Hawk could have been a little cheesy, but it felt right and was a good ending to the Audrey's rescue.

In other parts of Twin Peaks, Lucy left somewhere, and Andy was the focus. We got to see him talking on the phone, and man, it really makes me wonder how someone like Andy ever got to be a police officer. At least he did have his moments before, like saving Harry, but now he just seems like a pathetic child.

In other annoying character moves, Donna is trying to get her hands on the diary of Laura's that Harold Smith has. However, when she seems to be playing and takes the diary from Harold and lures him outside, it just seems stupid and cruel of her. And then see goes on and tricks Harold, even though she seems to have developed a trusting relationship with him. Maddie even questions this behavior, and I suppose we could chalk it up to Donna caring more about Laura than Harold, but it still seemed overly harsh for the way she thinks of him.

We also had some dumb humor with the salesman at Shelly's, and more of the stupid “Nadine thinks she's a high schooler” plot. All in all, not one Twin Peaks finest moments. Hopefully we get to more of what made this show work well in the future instead of being weird and silly just for the sake of it.

Grade: C-

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