Sunday, March 11, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 15

After the intense and tragic events of last episode, Episode 15 has a lot to live up to. And while it's not as exciting as the last one, it's definitely just as frightening and creepy. We're in an interesting situation now, where the audience knows who killed Laura, but those in the show do not. It makes for some very suspenseful and fascinating television.

Leland's love of song and dance, and his all-around quirkyness takes on a whole new meaning now that we know the truth. No longer are these antics somewhat amusing, they're just downright disturbing. This is really the episode for actor Ray Wise to shine, and he does a great job at playing the two sides of Leland. When he's not being an evil murderer, he can be quite charming and convincing. And so far, he's still fooling everyone.

Harry and Cooper are preoccupied with Benjamin Horne, who they believe (at least at first) is Laura's killer. His brother Jerry steps in as his attorney, and we get some informative and funny scenes between the two, including the strange flashback that goes on just a bit to long. Ben reveals his only alibi is that he was with Catherine, which he thinks will get him nowhere. But before long, Pete shows up to deliver a message, revealing to Ben that Catherine is alive. Thankfully for him, we see at the end of the episode that Ben will get off the hook without being blackmailed.

Some new faces show up in Twin Peaks this episode as well. Lucy's sister, who is quite insufferable, comes to visit but doesn't do much for the baby storyline. But now Lucy knows that the baby could be Andy's. Norma's mother also makes an appearance, and she has a new husband. We learn that this man knew Hank, but is trying to turn over a new leaf. We'll have to see what route this takes in the future.

Bobby's doing some detective work with the tape he found, and learns that Ben and Leo were working together. He hopes to use this information to get he and Shelly out of the situation they find themselves in. And, of course, at the end of the episode we get a familiar scene: the discovery of a dead girl wrapped in plastic. Altogether it's a solid episode, and as Cooper says, he's close, but the last few steps are always the darkest and most difficult.

Grade: A-

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