Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Twin Peaks Episode 16

This episode of Twin Peaks brings an end (sort of) to the central storyline of the entire show: bringing the murderer of Laura Palmer to justice. And while the man who killed her is now dead, the person possessing that man is still out there, making the show's new mission clear.

Things move very quickly, and little time is spent on things that aren't relative or don't move the story forward. This episode is for Leland, and Ray Wise (the actor who plays him) really brings it here. His scenes are extremely frightening and later on powerful and moving. Specifically the scenes between him and Donna are tension filled torture sessions for the audience, just because we know what he is capable of (and almost accomplishes before being interrupted).

This episode has it's fair share of Twin Peaks strangeness, and it's absolutely riveting when Cooper is trying to determine who the killer is. The giant makes another appearance, and Cooper finally gets his ring back. The way he tricks Leland into coming with him to the station is quite clever, and it's satisfying when we know that Cooper has him.

Leland's final scene is one of the most tragic scenes of the show. We get to see Leland's true reaction to not only his daughter's death, but the fact that it was at his own hands. With Cooper there to comfort him, Leland leaves this world in a very heartbreaking but fulfilling scene.

In other character's stories, we have some strong stuff between Norma and her mother, Ben finally learning that Catherine is Mr. Tojamura, and a surprisingly moving scene between James and Donna that ends with James leaving. Overall, it's an extremely strong episode and definitely one of the best of the show. It brings enough closure to the Laura Palmer storyline, but leaves it open enough for the show to continue in an interesting direction.

Grade: A

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