Saturday, January 7, 2012

Twin Peaks: Episode 8

And welcome to Season 2! The premiere episode of this season is a double-length episode, and for the most part it puts this extra time to good use. There is a lot to deal with in the aftermath of the last season's finale, and this episode gives us some answers and a few more questions. It always seems to happen that way, right? Can't have answers without more questions.

The biggest question on many people's minds would be the fate of Cooper. Yes, he's okay. They're not about to kill of the main character. But his injury does lead to a vision of sorts (after a lengthy but strangely funny scene with the room service waiter), and it basically serves as the “dream” of this season. It lays out a bunch of clues that need to be solved by Cooper, and given to him by a giant nonetheless.

The scenes with Audrey and her father are the appropriate amount of tense and creepy, and we see that Audrey has gotten in way over her head, and is starting to get quite frightened. She's looking for Cooper to be her savior, but for now it seems as if her note to him is lost. The scene where she calls out to him was quite touching.

Leland's hair has turned white, and his mood has considerably improved. It seems that he thinks that Jacques was the killer, and now that revenge has been served, he can't stop smiling and singing. But he certainly isn't the same as he used to be, and as we see at the end of the episode, it isn't all happiness and song when he collapses at the Hayword's dinner party.

Other highlights in the episode include the reappearance of Albert Rosenfeld, a character which I don't grow tired off, the scene between Bobby and his father, which could have come off a little cheesy or goofy but to me was just right, and the scenes where Ed talked about Nadine, which was nice to get some history about how those two ended up together.

There was some great humorous moments as well, like Andy and Lucy having to go through the Fleshword magazines together. We also got a great rundown of the entire Laura Palmer case with everything we know laid out, and what needs to be done yet explained. The goal is clear: find the third man. We as the audience have somewhat of an inkling as to who this might be, but his nature is not clear. What is clear, especially by the final scene of the episode, is that he is an incredible evil and must be stopped.

Grade: A-

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