Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Twin Peaks: Episode 4

I've touched upon this a bit in my last review, but Twin Peaks might have been a bad choice for my first television show to review. It doesn't follow the same structural rules that many TV shows do, it has a ton of characters all involved in their own plot-lines, and it's a pretty strange show. It makes grading an episode tough, mostly because all I have to compare it to is other Twin Peaks episodes, instead of all of television in general. The grades are my best interpretation of what I just wrote in the paragraphs above it.

Take this episode for example. We got some great development in the Laura Palmer case, which I think is safe to say is the central and most interesting plot-line the show is dealing with right now. Yet we've also got all of the other characters doing there own things that are effected by and influence the central story. Or at least they should.

This is probably why I find the Josie-Catherine-Benjamin plot the least interesting. At this point, it has next to nothing to do with the murder of Laura Palmer or Agent Cooper's presence in Twin Peaks (You could argue that Josie's decision to shut down the mill on the day Laura died was the straw that broke Catherine's back, but I think her plans have been in motion longer than that). This makes it difficult to find reasoning behind it's presence in the show, and since Josie isn't that interesting of a character at this point, it's hard to be invested. I did appreciate that she was doing some sleuthing of her own in this episode instead of just whining about it to Sheriff Truman.

Speaking of sleuthing, it looks like Audrey wants to take this investigation in her own hands and she gets Donna on board with her. It's kind of fun to see her manipulate her father the way she does, and I like the idea of multiple independent searches for answers about Laura's killer going on. Even Bobby joins in the investigating fun, when he learns about Leo's bloody shirt and takes it away (even though he loses it pretty quickly).

We meet Hank, Norah's convict husband, another plot-line that is separate from the main one, and guess what? It's tied in with the other least interesting plot of Josie Packard and her worried face! Anyway, this does seem a bit more promising, but it's all just set-up for now.

In the main plot, we don't get a lot of development, except that we learn that Laura was attacked by a bird, which leads to the gang hanging out and looking at birds. Fun stuff. I did enjoy the scenes in the shooting gallery though. And Andy and Lucy! How about that?

Yeah, I'm done with this episode. I just didn't find a lot of what was happening as interesting as it could have been, and much of this is going somewhere, we just can't piece it all together yet. But as certain plots become intertwined, you can't help but feel something is being built up to.

Grade: B

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