Monday, December 5, 2011

Twin Peaks: Episode 1

The second episode of Twin Peaks (confusingly titled “Episode 1”, the names of the episodes were created later so I'm sticking with the original style) picks up almost directly where the pilot left off. Twin Peaks is still dealing with the aftermath of the murder of Laura Palmer, and we get more information about the townsfolk, their relationships, and their connections with Laura.

In reality, not much actually happens in this episode, but nearly every scene in it is important. Not specifically because it informs us of the overarching story, but because it tells us things about the many characters that serves as groundwork being laid for the rest of the season and beyond. There was plenty of this in the Pilot, but the second episode expands upon what was already introduced.

The episode begins with Cooper hanging upside down in his bedroom talking into his recorder to Diane. It's a great opening scene that reminds us that the character of Cooper is just as quirky as the rest of the town, even if he is an outsider, and it's probably why he feels so at home in Twin Peaks.

The episode continues with Cooper meeting up the Harry. He rattles of a list of things they need to do before Harry can even finish swallowing his donut. It's a great reminder of who's in charge of this investigation, and Harry doesn't do much in this episode besides tag along and introduce Cooper to the townsfolk. He puts it best when he tells Cooper that he's “beginning to feel a bit like Dr. Watson.”

We also get shown more of the troublesome relationship that Leo and Shelly have, and there is a frightening scene were Leo attacks her. Leo is the biggest suspect the show is giving us at this point, with blood on his shirt and connections with the money found in Laura's deposit box. He's also tied in somehow with Bobby and his friend.

On a more positive note, James and Donna are in love, and seem to be the only characters who were somewhat positively effected by Laura's death, even if they are both troubled by it. We get a super-cheesy flashback showing James getting the other half of the heart shaped necklace from Laura, but James lies about it anyway. Why exactly is not quite clear at this point.

There are a few more scenes with information about other characters, including Norma and Nadine with her wacky silent drape-runners, the big brother-little sister relationship of Pete and Josie, and Benjamin and Catherine’s relationship of business and pleasure. And on the stranger side of things, we get a “vision” of some sort with Laura's mother, and learn that the Log Lady's log saw something the night Laura died. Yep, stranger side alright.

And finally we get the revelation that the psychiatrist Dr. Jacoby has the other half of the heart necklace, and he is pretty broken up about Laura's death. It obvious that he has vital information on the tapes she sent him, and time will tell what revelations they may bring. All in all, a solid episode of character development, but it leaves us not much farther from where we started.

Grade: B+

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