Saturday, December 31, 2011

Twin Peaks: Episode 6

Reviewing 101: Don't wait to write your review over a week after you experienced whatever it is you're reviewing. Oops. For whatever reason, I watched this episode and then didn't find time to review it until now. But that's what my notes are for! Like last week, I really liked this episode, and I think it sets up everything well for the finale of the first season.

We see the aftermath of Leo being shot (which doesn't necessarily seem as intense and urgent as it did last episode), and he's just been shot in the arm. This is still obviously a big deal, as Shelly's in a lot of trouble now. We also get quite a bit of time with the teenagers who are working to solve the mystery of Laura's murder themselves. They're actually doing a good job digging things up (and tricking Jacoby, or so they think), but it's a little annoying that they aren't sharing this information with Cooper or any other authority. But, they are teenagers after all.

Meanwhile, Audrey does her own sleuthing and tricking and gets into One Eyed Jacks, where everything seems to be converging. I loved the stuff with Cooper and Ed in disguises at Jacks, and Jacques Renault shows up as a dealer there. In leading up to that as well, the scenes with Waldo the bird repeating what it heard the night Laura died was strange and disturbing in a way that only Twin Peaks can pull off.

That's all I'm going to be able to write about for this episode, as my memory of it isn't exactly how it should be. Maybe I should take better notes. Either way, I do remember deciding the score I was going to give this episode back when I watched it, so at least that part of this review isn't just a shot in the dark. The season finale is next!

Grade: A


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